July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    this part in particular made me curious, and after trying to google it, i haven’t found anything that aligns:

    *In the original draft, several laborers are driven to suicide by their mistreatment at the hands of the British, and one man hangs himself in the captain’s dugout. The captain, upon finding the body, tells an interpreter to order the rest of the laborers to hang themselves in their own dugouts if they must, for “We don’t like such a mess in ours.” This whole scene, apparently, was lifted straight from the historical record—Athena’s copy had handwritten notes in the margin emphasizing: COMMENT ON IN ACKNOWLEDGMENTS—CAN’T MAKE THIS SHIT UP. MY GOD.*

    is this meant to not be taken seriously as it pertains to athena’s manuscript that doesn’t actually exist? or is it an actual recorded even that kuang chose to feature as part of athena’s work?

    by chocobearx2

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