September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So. I have read both American Psycho and The Perks of Being a Wallflower and come to the conclusion that movies and books have their own pros and cons. These are just the books I’ve read recently but I noticed just how much gets cut out. For American Psycho it makes sense to cut out a lot of the stuff with the murders which makes sense (I do like how they included the Music Chapters in the the movie though). Wallflower on the other hand cut out a bunch of scenes and was a little disappointing (At least to me) because of it. Basically I just feel that some books need to be re-adapted to include more. Though I doubt either books mentioned will be remade because American Psycho has the n-word and the gay slur several times. Wallflower could have another adaptation though and I would like that.
    Thank you for reading my ramble. It might not have made sense but I just wanted to say this stuff.

    by ElGato1020

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