July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I need a book to change my way to think, to rewire my brain. I need to see life with different glasses. Right now I feel paralyzed and afraid of my life as divorcee, two small kids and having to figure out what I will do as career. I was a SAHM moving to different countries and cities for his job, but he didn’t treat me as a partner. He main issue probably is his ego, he knows better than anyone, specially me… so things became mentally abusive and despite that I am ok financially, at least for the first few years… I need to get out of this fearful state of mind and move, enjoy life… I need to stop being fearful of his texts.

    Has anyone read a book that teaches a different view of life?

    by petal_vento

    1 Comment

    1. *How to Think Like a Roman Emperor* by Donald Robertson, followed by Epictetus’ *Discourses.* Check out r/Stoicism

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