July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey so yeah I’m looking for a good fantasy book but I’m curious if there are any good ones where being gay isn’t the whole plot and the MC is a guy I’ve seen a few with Lesbian MC so I’m just curious Please if I’ve offended you in some way I do apologize it is not my intention I’m just bad at describing things

    by RiskCool


    1. ((Invisible monsters)).

      I have been promoting this book for a while but is one of my recently read ,and I would say this that although the narrator which is a female **(and some psycho tried to ruin the entire book for me by telling me that it was a male)**.

      That being said imagine a top model someone who is very glamorous having the lower part of her face destroyed by “certain circumstances” and she eventually clicks up with a band of scammer to go around pretending to want to buy real estate but really rob all of the rich peoples bathrooms of Percocet, Vicodin, even stool softeners in order to pay for their expenses as they sell off the drugs to clubs on their expensive road trip.

      Fast forward to this ex model this extremely extravagant Brandy princess and the adventure that takes place it is the author of fight club which you may remember has Brad Pitt and Edward Norton and symbolized the perfect male 🥊however Norton had a psychotic break where he pretended to be like Brad Pitt where he had to look like Brad Pitt fight like Brad Pitt fuck like Brad Pitt and it was an example of how males are under stress to be the “. perfect male”.

      Although in today’s culture in America we know that most of them just feast on McDonald’s in Grow bellies little bigger than your waist bands but the truth is it’s a great novel fight club was a great novel and this novel is about women and I think that invisible monsters would be a great book if you are looking for that kind of genre

    2. Bibliophile-14 on

      I’d classify it as dystopian but have you looked into the They Both Die at the End Series?

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