July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m trying to find books that will actually add some value to my life or teach me something important. I’m not looking to read books about stuff I already know, such as developing habits and consistency, and other general things. The issue is, I don’t know what I need to know.

    I learned a lot of the things most self-help books try to teach during high school. I’m in college know, and I’m trying to figure what I need to read to get better, but I don’t want to waste my time (or money) reading something I already know. For example, I read Atomic Habits by James Clear, but I learned nothing from that book. At the time, I was able to integrate useful habits into my life and stay consistent with them.

    I tried thinking of the things I’m struggling at know, but I’m coming up blank. I have a method to learning information and studying, how to focus on work, how to take care of myself when I’m going through something abnormal, and a plethora of other things. I don’t know what I need to learn that can actually help me. Maybe business / entrepreneur books, but I still don’t know if that information will help me. Any recommendations?

    p.s, please don’t recommend books where the author is just trying to motivate you. I just finished reading this book called “The 1% Rule” by Tommy Baker, and I swear he spent 80+ pages in a 250 page book about how good your life will be when you implement his rule, and focused on trying to syke his reader up rather than actually teaching them anything. I hate books like this.

    by Lemon1zer


    1. I hate books like that too.

      Maybe find a good biography or memoir. There’s so much to learn from people’s experiences. A memoir i read a few years ago called _The Pigeonholes of Memory_ was really interesting- stories from the life of a doctor born in a landed family in Scotland (not inheriting, so finding his own way). He learned medicine in the early days of autopsies (and grave-robbing) in Edinburgh. His experiences as an army doctor were shocking to me. His writing style is charming and descriptive. you may like it. I believe it’s out of print but i didn’t find difficulty locating a copy to give as a gift recently

    2. RachelOfRefuge on

      What are you going to college for? Different books will be useful for different people, so it’s hard to recommend anything without more information.

      Some of my favorite nonfiction reads, where I felt like I learned a thing or two, include:

      *Move Your DNA* by Katy Bowman

      *Real Food: What to Eat and Why* by Nina Planck

      *Junkyard Planet* by Adam Minter

      *Pagan Christianity?* by Frank Viola

      *Why Pro-Life?* by Randy Alcorn

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