September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This book is boring. I started to read it because of current political situation. As a russian, I’m just dissapointed what’s happening in Russia and I though reading this book will be a good coping mechanism for me. I want imagine myself as a brave american CIA agent who fight against evil commies. But now I understand how such “patriotic” literature is very boring for me.

    I know well about russian “patriotic” literature about cool and brave russian/soviet soldiers or KGB agent whatever fighting against evil american imperialism. Special mention for low quality fiction about brave russian soldier being transported into World War 2 in a body of bee. I met enough russian and american people who glorify Cold War era. And I don’t like such people. Because any war is bad. And I understand how both sides of conflict tried to dehumanize each other.

    Tom Clancy is not much different from soviet/russian spy dramas like “TASS is authorized to declare”. It’s all about “America is cool and number 1!” Yes, Tom is talented writer. He is very good at describing military equipment. Also, Jack Rayan is boring character. I would prefer to play Metal Gear series because of gray morality, much more sophisticated characters and phylosophy.

    I’m done.

    by FinalExtent1919


    1. I’m not surprised this book doesn’t hold up – it was written a few decades ago during a very different time. As you say, it (and all the books by Tom, or similar books, e.g., Dale Brown) is a very straightforward good guy/bad guy type plot. I think that’s what its intended audience wants, though. Or at least that’s what they wanted when it was released.

    2. The problem is you’re reading the book which really doesn’t give you a good glimpse into the intricacies Russian culture in the same way that Sean Connery’s perfect Russian accent does.

    3. For my money, espionage fiction reached its zenith with Graham Greene. Clancy is, I agree, uninspiring on a good day.

    4. One of the things I remember about this book was one of the characters was not described as being black until near the end. It was not relevant until an interaction with another character made it relevant, so Clancy never mentioned it. As an aspiring writer at the time I read it, the 80s, I learned something from it.

    5. I ate up everything Clancy put out back when he was at the top of his game and I was younger. I’ve avoided going back to reread any of it because I strongly suspect I would have a VERY different reaction these days.

    6. Other than Hunt for Red October which was unknown as a new release, I read all the Clancy novels as hard cover new releases. It was a very different era. Now, I find the Jack Ryan character insufferable. Hunt for Red October is the only book where I can tolerate the character.

      I re-read Red Storm Rising recently. That’s the only book I can read since it doesn’t have Jack Ryan in it.

    7. CrazyCatLady108 on

      >Special mention for low quality fiction about brave russian soldier being transported into World War 2 in a body of bee

      book title?

      also it seems like you are reading a LOT of “popadantzi” which is essentially LitRPG. wish fulfillment and lots and lots of nerding out over minute WWII facts.

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