July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished reading “Hooked” by Emily McIntire and got…well, hooked. I know she wrote a whole “Never After” series and, trust me, I have my eye on those – but are there any similar type novels?

    These are modern retellings, but I’ll accept any good fantasy (or historical) romance as well – bonus points if there is anything to do with pirates (I like those). Romance is a guilty pleasure for me, I’m not very well versed on how to find good books in the genre.

    by TriangleMan_4


    1. Inevitable_Window436 on

      I cackled through the entire Wicked Villans Series from Katee Roberts. It’s all “Disney” Charactes reimagined, and there is a plot that moves through them.

      They aren’t amazing. But they are entertaining. There isn’t any holding back in regards to spicy scenes either. If you prefer slow burns… these may not be for you.

    2. For retellings, try the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, starting with Cinder. Daughter of the Pirate King is good too.

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