I’m sure it’s a universal thing that no one likes real life people on cover books. Especially half naked women or men. Yesterday I heard my local bookstore had ‘Vladimir’ by Julia May Jonas and I heard good reviews about it so I wanted to read it.
Someone tell one why the cover was a full on half naked man focused on his abs and body hair on THAT close of his crotch?
My dad was with me too so I stayed far away from that cover but like holy shit I felt embarrassed and flabberghasted. I’ll just buy it or borrow my friends kindle to read it.
I’m in my university a lot due to studying pre medicine so I bring my books or kindle there. I hate bringing books that have cartoonish art cover or half naked people on it so Kindle is ALWAYS in my bag.
I feel like for cartoonish art, it makes me look childish. Like ‘oh look that cover looks like rapunzel is it a kids book?’ I care too much about what people think. It’s a habit.
Edit: wow people get triggered if I say ‘universal’ okay SOME people don’t like real people, especially half naked people on the covers of their books.
by sunnysama_lolol