Hi all, so I am in my thirties and recently got back Into reading. My reading trajectory over the last year has gone as follows…
Red Rising Series Pierce Brown (sci fi,)
On writing Stephen king (biography)
Shattered Sea Series Joe Abecrombe (sci fi)
First Law Series Joe Abecrombe (fantasy)
So I have read 16 books in the past year and i thought all were amazing, especially the first law series.. I thought I would try the next one my girlfriend is reading, Fourth Wing as it is classified as a new adult Fantasy novel and is incredibly popular.
I am about 8 chapters in and I am incredibly confused who the target audience of this book is and how it is popular. The writing (from my understanding of what makes good writing) is incredibly bad. The action scenes seem almost nonsensical and it feels like it is aimed at fifteen year olds. None of the characters reactions or interactions seem remotely realistic. The thought patterns of the POV character are completely all over the place and seem to not match the situation she is in.
Is this book not utterly terrible or am I losing my mind? I am not judging the plot at all as I am only eight chapters in, but so far it seems almost unreadable.
by OkMan123456789
1 Comment
It’s for fans of Young Adult and New Adult fantasy romance. It’d be a significant departure from the books you read last year. Up to you whether you want to keep reading or not. Maybe the Will of the Many would be more appealing instead