September 2024
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    I’ve just finished Ubik by Philip K Dick and was completely in love with the whole premise. Then read the rest of his books. It’s made me want to give sci-fi books a chance. Even being the ultimate science nerd growing up, for some reason I stayed clear of sci-fi literature.

    What are some great sci fi books to read?

    by Difficult_Leek_1124


    1. I really adore the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold. It is a longer series and I feel has a wonderful balance of character development, political intrigue, setting, everything.

    2. Paramedic229635 on

      The Ender Series by Orson Scott Card. Ender’s Game is the first book, but Speaker for the Dead was my favorite.

      For comedy scifi, Will save the galaxy for food and Will destroy the galaxy for cash by Yahtzee Croshaw.

    3. A Canticle for Liebowitz by Walter M Miller

      334 by Thomas Disch

      Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

    4. Isaac Asimov: the Gods themselves

      Greg Bear: Eon, Eternity also the Forge of God/Anvil of the Stars

      Arthur C Clarke: the City and the Stars

      Frank Herbert: Dune/Dune Messiah

      Ann Leckie: Ancillary Justice and 2 sequels

      Cixin Liu: the Three Body Problem and 2 sequels

      China Mieville: Embassytown

      Kim Stanley Robinson: Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars also the Ministry for the Future

      Clifford D Simak: City

      Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash

      Adrian Tchaikovsky: the Children of Time and 2 sequels

      Jeff Vandermeer: Annihilation and 2 sequels

    5. Pope_Asimov_III on

      The 2001 Space Odyssey series, by Arthur C. Clarke.
      The Foundation series, by Isaac Asimov
      Ringworld, by Larry Niven
      Station in Space, by James Gunn

      The last one is a little less known than the others, but a very good book about the psychological aspects of space told via short story, even before space exploration was widespread.

    6. Octavia Butler. Everything she produced is incredible. Her short-stories are beyond reproach and not talked about near enough, Bloodchild is required reading IMO.

    7. Turn-Loose-The-Swans on

      The Culture series by Iain M. Banks, House of Suns by Alastair Reynolds & A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Binge.

    8. Check out Neuromancer by William Gibson. It’s an astonishing story and considered “the archetypal cyberpunk work”. All that and it’s a kickass story

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