September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am looking for history books on the Holocaust. I’ve read memoirs and personal accounts (Night, Man’s Search for Meaning, among many others), so what I’m looking for is something that lays out the history surrounding it, how it started, political events happening in Germany at the time, dates, figures, charts, etc. I could go to Wikipedia, but I want something that’s considered by scholars to be a good text that can also help with springboarding forward searches into other readings.

    I asked over at askahistorian about two weeks ago, but got no replies, so I’m hoping I can get some help here.

    Googling hasn’t been very useful as the results all tend to be about personal accounts.

    As I’m gearing up to teach a unit on the Holocaust, I realize I’ve read and internalized so much of the personal accounts that I struggle with a big picture view.

    ETA: A reason I am looking for this specific kind of book/text is because of the recent polls showing how Americans are misinformed about the Holocaust. While some bad outlets reported this as Holocaust denialism, it seems that well designed polls don’t share this view. People who are misinformed about the Holocaust also expressed neutral or warm views on Jewish people. They weren’t anti-Semites. Which suggests to me how important it is to teach the Holocaust not only qualitatively but quantitatively as well.

    If you know another subreddit that might also be a good, active place to post, let me know.

    Thanks in advance.

    by RealSimonLee

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