September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished The Road by Cormac McCarthy about two hours ago. Loved it from beginning to end, a truly incredible book that will probably stick with me. I also started A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man about ten minutes ago, and I just realized that I don’t really let myself savor books, I just move immediately into my next. As much as I love books and reading, I don’t really sit and think on books. How long does it take y’all to start a new book after you finish one?

    by A_Common_Relic


    1. I don’t wait at all!

      It’s awful to be in the middle of, say, a meal and you finish a book.

      Sometimes I even plan the next one BEFORE I finish the current one.

    2. I’ve found it highly variable, personally: as long as it takes the story to “steep”. Sometimes I finish one and them I’m straight into the next. Sometimes I need to ruminate a bit.

    3. I never have gaps between books. I read like 4 at a time all the time and just keep cycling through my never-ending, always-growing TBR list. I don’t know the last time I had a gap of not reading. According to my kindle app, I’ve read daily for the last like 382 weeks 😆 but that’s just when I started using my ipad instead of my kindle fire, so, it’s longer than that, actually.

    4. uhohmomspaghetti on

      Sometimes I will just walk right over to my bookshelf and grab a new book the moment I set the other one down. Sometimes it might not pick up another book for a week. Depends on how I feel and what other things I have going on.

    5. I’m definitely a chain reader, opening my next book as I’m finishing the last sentence of the previous one.

    6. Kitchen-Witching on

      I usually jump directly into the next book. If I need a palette cleanser, I read magazines or cookbooks.

    7. Pope_Asimov_III on

      Depends, if I finish right before bed, I’ll start new book the following day. But if I finish during the day, just got to grab the next off my pile. Even if I’m out somewhere and I’m close to finishing, ill bring my next along as well.

    8. InvisibleSpaceVamp on

      Usually I take the finishing of a book as a cue to do something else. Like, finally switch off that light and get some sleep or do a workout. So it’s usually an hour to a day between books.

    9. It can be anywhere from immediately afterwards to days/weeks later. Depends on a variety of things, including how long I want to sit with what I just read (but realistically it’s mostly how busy I am with other things at the moment).

    10. Failureinlife1 on

      The next day, or sometimes take a day and start from the second day after finishing a book.

    11. giraffacamelopardal on

      If the last book was emotionally devastating sometimes it’ll take me a day or a couple hours, but otherwise I’m onto the next almost immediately!!

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