July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am looking for books similar to the following.

    As per title, young adult, wicca, hedge-witchery, coming of age, female MC, she’s quite geeky and logical but the hill is, literally, whispering her name, and an eccentric old-woman who lives on the hill wants to teach her herbalism, etc.

    ***Preferably current/recent books.*** Cards on the table, I am looking to check out things like cover design, so I can keep on trend, and also try to check out who did advance reviews so I can approach the same bloggers.

    **N.B.** this is not self-promotion as I am not telling you anything about the book, author or anything.
    I don’t want anyone to get into trouble for self-promoting on here either, but if you do have something very relevant that you wrote or are connected with, I am open to DMs

    by Why-Anonymous-

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