September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Am I the only one who has started to hate fantasies that re-use the same old monsters, races and entities? Goblins, elves, orcs, angels, demons. They’re literally copied and pasted in nearly every fantasy that I’ve seen?

    Does anyone realize the death of creativity in fantasy, the realm of the most imagination?

    Is it that hard to make something new?

    I’ll try.

    I’m thinking as I’m typing this. Okay.

    A humanoid race that has the capability to read minds.

    They are black in color. They have yellow pupils and no hair. They have six fingers on each of their four limbs and never wear clothes. The race has one protrusion at the top of their head. It isn’t a horn, but more so an antenna for picking up mental activity of other beings.

    Even this is better than elves. At least it’s original and took more mental effort than Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

    Let’s do one more.

    A humanoid race that has no sight and only relies on echolocation like bats.

    They have large circular ears that pick up even slight movement of nearby beings.

    They are grey in color. Have no eyes. A single nostril, wide nose. A circular mouth that sucks in food and water.

    They have claws instead of fingers. Their skin is very hard, almost as hard as stone. Every one of their bodies has a unique pattern all across their body that makes each of them distinct.

    They communicate in a simple way through chemicals like pheromone. Their brain distinguishes everything from anything through pure hearing.

    by damirleaf

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