September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m trying to find a book that is character-driven and focuses on the development of the main character as they reflect on their past, which is revealed over the course of the book.

    Bonus is the past is involving family history/secrets.

    I’m hoping for characters who are already adults, so less coming of age (but I enjoyed Perks of Being a Wallflower with how they revealed information about his past). Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books for context!

    I also loved season 1 of Fleabag with the main story driven by her character growth with small flashbacks to reveal her past with >!Boo.!<

    by bulbagill


    1. brittanydiesattheend on

      Boy howdy will you love Kazuo Ishiguro. Most of his books fit this.

      I think I’d recommend starting with Never Let Me Go. It’s my favorite of his work and also has the most dramatic secrets to reveal.

      It’s told from the perspective of an adult woman reflecting on her childhood. If you haven’t already been spoiled for this book, I’d go into it as blind as possible.

      I’d also suggest Remains of the Day as an entry point into Ishiguro’s work. It’s the book he’s best known for. It’s told from the perspective of an old butler, reflecting back on his career and one specific household he served. Again, secrets and intrigue but very much a character study.

    2. “The Distance Between Us” by Renato Cisneros
      A great peruvian author finally translated into english. The novel has all you are asking for.

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