July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I originally pictured a white family, with deaf child and a hearing child who start learning Plains Indian Sign Language from Native American’s, in 19th century United States. Another possibility would be a white family, with a non-verbal autistic child and a neurotypical child learning Black American Sign Language from a black family, in 20th century United States. Is there any book with a premise like this. It can be set in any country, as long was it is available in English, and in any time period.

    by neigh102

    1 Comment

    1. Apprehensive_Tone_55 on

      This is way too specific to be asking suggestions lol. 99% of posts that get responses are fairly simple, open to interpretation. You’re not really looking for suggestions here you’re looking for an extremely specific book, if it exists.

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