September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I pretty much have given up on reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy, even though I really enjoyed The Hobbit and I love the film versions.

    It’s been literally almost two decades and even though I’ve had plenty of opportunities, I still haven’t picked up LOTR and started reading.

    At this point, with so much material still unread, I realize I will probably never read them.

    How about you?



    by Lower_Love


    1. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon. It’s one of the most famous works of history, filled with opinions and philosophy (which save it from dryness) Gibbon’s mastery of prose is compared with Shakespeare’s mastery of poetry.

      It’s also incredibly, incredibly long. I’m a slow reader. It would take me well over a year to cover the whole thing–a year I could spend reading any number of other books on my “list”. As much as I regret it, I’ll probably never get to it. I should probably just be done with it and donate my copy to the local bookstore.

    2. There’s this 900 some page biography of Napoleon that feels like something I’ll put off for a long while but would love to read eventually. I’m still too intimidated to tackle Infinite Jest, but will hopefully do that too one day. I have 200 pages left in The People’s History of the US. Gotta get back to it one day.

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