September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Here’s a dumb game. If you were forced to, for the rest of your life, read only authors whose last name started with a letter of your choice, which letter do you choose? Which letter gets you the best library?

    There’s a few factors to consider. Is it pure volume–who has the most good or better authors? Is it peak quality and density–that is, if you’ve got 5 truly spectacular authors, is that enough?

    I submit for consideration the letter M:

    * Cormac McCarthy
    * Toni Morrison
    * Carson McCullers
    * Haruki Murakami
    * David Mitchell
    * Gabriel Garcia Marquez
    * Alan Moore!
    * Alice Munro
    * good ol’ George Martin

    by CaptainLeebeard

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