July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I’m posting here to try and find a book I read ages ago, and want to read again, but I have forgotten the title and author. I was hoping that somebody on redit could help me!

    The book I am looking for is about these 2 brothers who go to a secret school for kids with heightened senses. The story focuses on the younger brother as he watches his older brother get put in his house that corresponds to his speciality sense (which I forgot, I think it was hearing). The yonger brother’s super sense hasn’t come out yet so he is sent to a recovery ward for people whose senses have stopped working. While there he meets this girl whose senses have stopped working because her sister allegedly community suicide off one of the school towers, after getting involved with a mysterious 6th sense. They find out that she isn’t dead and she is being held in a tank of goo underground byone of the faculty who is running some sort of tests.

    I hope you guys can help me! 🙂

    by TheFishLord101


    1. Chatgpt. It sounds like you’re describing the book “The Supernaturalist” by Eoin Colfer.

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