September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    There is this one WLW webtoon I have read recently called “What does the fox say” by Team Gaji. it was perfect, probably the best toxic WLW work I have ever seen.

    I would like books recommendations that have a similar story, I’m fine with any gender pairings, let it be gay or straight, but I would prefer to read a similar book but with a hetero pairing.

    The story was about a couple, they got into an argument bcs one of them hinted a break up, after that, the woman got drunk and wasted which led into the mistake of cheating, the woman didn’t mean it, it was a mistake she was wasted and unaware, in the morning when her girlfriend came to apologize, she found her girlfriend sleeping in bed with a man, so she was shocked and left, when the woman followed her to explain and apologize, her girlfriend just slapped her and didn’t want to listen and broke up with her.
    After their break up, the woman who cheated was depressed in bed all time, her ex gf decided to take revenge on her, so she went to have sex with another woman and called her ex girlfriend to listen to the moans.
    Her ex girlfriend started dating and hooking up with a lot of women for revenge, but after every break up she comes back to her ex girlfriend who is still so deeply in love with her.
    With every break up, she would come back to her ex girlfriend just to have angry sex with her, using her as a rebound girl.
    Her ex girlfriend is still very much in love with her and she feels guilty for the cheating that’s why she can’t say no to sex with her, she accepted to be used bcs she’s still in love with her and wants her ex gf to forgive her, but her ex girlfriend was taking advantage of her vulnerable situation where she can do whatever she wants to her, like being disrespectful, hurtful words, taking her for granted and even aggressive sex even if her ex girlfriend is pleading to be gentle. At the same time she would go to sleep with other women and make sure that her ex girlfriend is aware of that ( like seeing it with her own eyes or hearing the intercourse through the phone) for revenge.
    Her ex girlfriend turned all their love into meaningless sex that once meant for them everything as a form of revenge.

    The girl thought if she would endure all the abuse and never say no to anything, her ex girlfriend would forgive her and give her another chance.

    Her ex girlfriend having failed relationships over and over again then coming back to her ex for sex and emotional support made the girl being addicted and too codependent on her ex girlfriend that she made it clear if her ex will ever disappear from her she would just kill herself. She was willing to be used and abused for the longest as long as she still have the chance to see her ex.

    I really don’t know if there’s a hetero book about such a toxic dynamic like that, where a couple broke up but they still maintained a sexual relationship where the ML turned abusive and revengeful using his ex girlfriend as much as he pleases knowing she can’t say no bcs she’s still hopelessly in love with him and she feels guilty.

    Please if there are similar books to the story of ” What does the fox say” with a hetero pairing please leave it in the comments. ( I’m fine with gay pairing too).

    by Square-Horror-4084

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