September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    give me book recommendations that will grab my attention instantly and preferably short stories
    i’ve spent the last few years online way too much, especially with the rise of tiktok, and my attention span is so bad I can’t even hold a conversation without getting distracted or overstimulated
    please don’t say just to read any book either, i’ve tried and I need something good 🙁

    by Salt-Butterscotch-38


    1. I guess it depends on your reading level, but maybe “A Confederacy of Dunces” by “Toole”.

      Although, if you really do find it hard to focus on anything and it’s been like that for a while, it might be worth checking on your self-care (e.g. sleep, water intake, etc.) and it could also be worth talking to your GP about it at your next check up. But it could be good to start with a few books to see if that helps :^)

    2. lmao literally the second most recent review on *Theft of Fire* is

      >I seldom finish books these days; my attention span has been poisoned over many years by video games and social media, and most of the time i get bored. But I finished this one! Kudos to the author for writing a very fun and readable yarn, and for showing a spacefaring future that has the ring of plausibility.

      It’s a sign!!

    3. Pick up an anthology like Pushcart Prize. They compile a new one every year of the best new short stories and poems. Bite sized and quality reads.

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