September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I came to this series in a roundabout way. I read The Cartel (Book 2) first a few years back, not even realizing it was the middle of a trilogy and absolutely loved it. The story was exciting and the characters were very well realized.

    Recently I went back to Power of the Dog and re-read The Cartel and had an even better time. Getting more time with these characters was fantastic.

    Now I’m early on in to The Border, and it feels like the magic is gone. I can’t tell if it’s the really blatant Trump analog or if it’s just having to get used to new characters, but each time I put the book down I’m not as excited to pick it back up.

    What are other people’s thoughts? I love Winslow’s other books and style, maybe I should come back to this one a little later.

    by itsjustgoldman


    1. Conscious-Weird5810 on

      I did the same thing you did in accidentally reading The Cartel first and then going back to the Power of the Dog. I felt the way about the Border. Some interesting parts but nowhere near the level of the first two. Just didn’t capture the same magic

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