September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know a lot of people love this book so I’m not gonna be a jerk about it! This was my first experience reading a fantasy novel as an adult, and I thought that the first half of the book moved really slowly but that something would happen that would really draw me in. I have less than a quarter of the book left, and so far nothing has done it for me.

    I also find Feyre to be a little bit corny at times which makes it difficult for me to enjoy, and some of the descriptions of the romance portions are and silly to me.

    With that being said, can I please get some suggestions for shorter fantasy novels that are better for a newbie? Bonus points for queer romance. Thanks!

    by TownesVanPlant


    1. HufflepuffBecca on

      I felt the same about a court of thorns and roses initially off the first book: it does get good in the last 100 or so pages. The second book takes a totally different turn and I read it in like 3 days. It will be a series that i reread again in a few years, but it is the first book that would put me off. Overall, it’s a good series, but I feel that the authors other series are a lot stronger.

    2. Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh is a queer fantasy novella.

      That being said, it’s more of a cozy vibe, little action, no spice, relaxed read.

    3. Going Postal by Terry Pratchett – fantasy comedy. Don’t worry about reading this series “out of order”, it reads well that way!

    4. A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny – an odd little story with many public domain characters.

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