September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The book revolves around four characters Frances, Bobbi, Melissa and Nick (mainly Frances and Nick’s adulterous relationship) whose messy relationships and complex character traits form the plot of the book.

    I really enjoyed reading this novel, probably enjoyed it even more than Normal People by the end. Sally has a very easy writing style to get into. She can be over descriptive but I think that’s her thing. You really get into the head of the narrator. In this case-the introverted brooding Frances.

    I feel like Rooney is definitely an INFP or atleast the women she writes like Marianne, Eileen and Frances sort of resemble an INFP personality type.

    What I am most impressed and fascinated by reading this novel is, that even though the characters do these utterly selfish and immoral things without really thinking properly of the ramifications, I still ended up seeing why they do what they do and sort of empathising with both Frances and Nick but at the same time seeing the flaws they both had with Frances being utterly self centered and almost narcissistic in a covert way whereas Nick being too complacent.

    I found Bobbi the least likable due to her incessant need and urge to flaunt her intellectual jargon, which idk if ir was Rooney wanting to show off her intelligence and make an impression as it’s her debut novel

    Rooney also incorporates philosophical ramblings and symbolisms in the Bible and Jesus’s teachings and juxtaposes it with the narrator’s character traits. I like when she likes to dive in and out of normal mundane life and then her philosophical thoughts.

    I was almost beginning to get bored and felt that the novel lost grip by the end of the first half but it only got better from there on.
    Really surprised that I ended up liking this book as much as I did. It would be 5 stars for me if the book was equally compelling throughout. Nevertheless found it really enjoyable.

    by Notyourmermaid25

    1 Comment

    1. You should check out Sally Rooney’s other books too. She strikes me as an extraordinarily thoughtful and insightful writer.

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