September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Frequently I find myself unable to remember details in books (usually nonfiction) that I read just a couple of months prior.

    I don’t think I have a phenomenal memory, but not particularly terrible either… surely I am not the only person who experiences this?

    Has anyone ever experimented with fun ways to cement or re-engage with the knowledge, facts, or stories in books that you read a little bit better? For example, writing little book reports for themselves following a clever format, or using a particular app. I know one can always take notes and review, but I’m posting because that’s a bit dry and I figured someone might have a more creative approach to offer?

    Obviously I’m not looking for something that necessarily captures every highlight — I don’t expect to remember every detail or even close to that. Am just looking for ideas on fun ways to engage with the content of books after having read them and would love to hear if anyone has any ideas in this vein!


    by arch-vibrations

    1 Comment

    1. Make notes during reading and talk about it. That is how you get to actually remember things from books.

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