September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for essentially anything— fiction, nonfiction, poetry, short stories/essays, biographies and everything else. Feeling fairly lost as this is my first breakup so anything similar to my circumstances I think would help. I ended things with my partner essentially because they violated a very important boundary and broke my trust resulting in my having no other option but end it. He was devastated and apologetic and is now getting help with his mental health which is the only silver lining in this whole situation. Regardless I am feeling so alone, lost, and I think the fact that my routine is all out of whack is definitely contributing to all this I think. Anyway, now that I have totally over shared I would really appreciate some recommendations. So far on my list I have madame Bovary, out of love, the midnight library, how to survive the loss of a love, rising strong, and high fidelity. Thanks in advance maybe I’m too optimistic in thinking that I will read something and feel and see things completely differently but I am desperate.

    by banannnaaanana


    1. sittinginthesunshine on

      It’s Called a Breakup Because it’s Broken and When Things Fall Apart. Good luck!

    2. WheresTheIceCream20 on

      I’m sorry. The only way out is through. Sit tight. You’ll make it through the other side!

      The frozen river by Ariel Lawson

      Spinning silver by Naomi novik

      The winternight trilogy by katherine arden

      Thursday night murder club

      Tara french – writes murder mysteries/thrillers

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