July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished Sometimes a Great Notion, by Ken Kesey. I’ve seen this book described as the only true Great American Novel, the best English-language novel ever written, and the second coming of Christ in book form. And I honestly canNOT see the appeal.

    For a gritty portrayal of hyper-masculine “frontier” culture, I truly think Mari Sandoz did everything Kesey tried to do, but masterfully and without his self-impressed narrative style.

    I’m not saying anyone is wrong for liking this book, of course! Just that it truly did not land for me. What widely beloved books were a letdown for y’all?

    by cedarvan


    1. The-Badger-McGee on

      The Catcher in the Rye. I could never for the life of me see what all the fuss was about.

    2. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcìa Márquez, like it was fine but not great. I didn’t see what was groundbreaking about it. 

      1984 by George Orwell I’ve tried to read it 3 times and I’ve never been able to finish. 

      Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. I struggled to complete the book. Gave the second one a try and DNF it.

    3. The Secret History. I did not think the book was bad per se, but I felt it was actually ruined for me by having read Brideshead Revisited and Stoner before. Both were far better Dark Academia books.

    4. DevilMasterKING on

      sound like a broken Record. But The Harry Potter series. only series I’ve ever stopped and dont have any real plans to continue. if people like it. Cool, just not my cup of tea

    5. “Midnight Library” was the one for me. Totally disappointed despite many people around me loving it.

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