September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    There’s a lot of books I want to get through but with a busy home life (new child etc) I don’t get any time to myself, and if I do I’m falling asleep after a few pages. I’ve starting reading at home, then picking up where I left off in the car on the way to work by listening to the audiobook version. I’ve asked my partner if she thinks this counts as reading the book properly and she doesn’t think so! Just wondering what people think.. I know it’s not important, more if anyone else does the same thing?

    by DarmiansMuttonChops


    1. Conscious-Morning-71 on

      who cares

      it’s fun. i do it all the time. i also read along while listening to an audiobook cuz I like it.

    2. I work very long hours but I can listen to anything I want. I listened to all of Agatha Christie’s oeuvre at work. If you retain the plot and can continue between both, you are doing fine.

      In the end, it is the content that matters not how it is delivered.

    3. shapedbydreams on

      No. It’s not “cheating.” You can’t “cheat” at something that isn’t a game.

    4. Why is it cheating? Are you somehow being paid to specifically do one task to the exclusion of the other?

      The difference between reading and listening is a matter of semantics. They are different actions in a literal sense. In the grand scheme of things, you want to consume and comprehend a story or book and what counts is if you had, regardless of whether its through reading or listening.

    5. HowlandSRoward on

      Yes. At the end of your time on this plane the great toad librarian will judge you as xe judges us all. Upon great golden scales the weight of every word you cheated is measured against every word sincerely read and based upon those results you are either condemned to the Library of Babel as described by Borges, there to dwell among the insane acolytes of that inscrutable place, or sent on to the eternal bliss of the Grand Archives, where every book, written and yet unwritten, is meticulously catalogued by Melvil Dewey himself and is yours to peruse at your leisure after a short two-to-three hour introductory course. There is also free wi-fi.

    6. EveryDayheyhey on

      Cheating what? I thought reading was a hobby, I didn’t know it was supposed to be a competition with rules. Is there a referee next to your bed when you read checking if you stick to the rules ? 

    7. The only cheating part would be if you had a book report and decides to watch the movie adaptation instead. Reading and listening doesn’t matter. Same book. Some get more distracted while reading. Some get more distracted while listening. Unless you feel you loose focus more while listening it is not “cheating”.

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