September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    To me the most important thing is the **plot**. It has to be 10.

    While selecting a book, I also realized that reviews actually at the back cover is very important. What is your thought?

    How would you score this novel at Kindle

    **FALSE RATIO: The Nexus of History, Science, and Fate**

    by **Serkan Sandikcioglu**

    I want to send the owner of the most constructive reviews an author-signed book as a gift. (Criteria is after 20 days, we will look at the up votes and the length/quality of the conversations.)

    Please give your score with the 6 categories with a reasoning behind!

    1. Cover (0-10)
    2. Plot (0-10)
    3. Flow (0-10)
    4. Character Depth (0-10)
    5. Language (0-10)
    6. Reviews (0-10)


    by Adept_Pain9030

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