July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have currently started reading a diary novel about the serious problem of addiction. This form of writing feels more personal and close. I wonder if there are any other books that can have this impact and be written like a diary, journal, or letters.
    Something that stirs the soul or something that explores a more complex psychology of an individual.

    by moon_child404


    1. justhereforbaking on

      The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin is presented as a combination of field notes, journal entries, and anthropologists’ writings on a fictional society’s mythology and cultural concepts. It is a beautiful book and accomplishes both of the things you asked for. Not sure if you’re into sci fi but Le Guin is a sci fi author I have no qualms recommending to a general audience.

      I’m reading Dracula right now and it definitely isn’t so stirring or beautiful but its use of the epistolary format is impressing the hell out of me.

    2. Ok-Pangolin-3790 on

      Heartbreak Tango by Manuel Puig. I read it in highschool and loved it. I didnt have the chance to read epistolary type beyond that and Dracula. What’s the name of your book OP?, sounds very interesting to me.

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