September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just went through an 8 month situationship and it has really gotten to me. He lied to me about a friend of his. Turns out he was just waiting around for her to want to be with him. It was a whole mess. I’m absolutely heartbroken. He was really good at manipulating me and saying all the right things and gaslighting me. To make it worse, we’re both separated currently from marriages that lasted 12 years. So he made me believe I was finally getting the dream relationship I wanted and deserved and then he pulled the rug out from underneath me.

    I need a fantastic book (or 7 lol) to just make me feel good about love again. I want to cry my eyes out. I want to feel something. I just want to know that love is out there and that it’s possible for me to trust someone again.

    by thegrundenator

    1 Comment

    1. Pearls_and_Pears on

      There’s a character in Sense and Sensibility that got messed with like that. Jane Austen has the answer to everything.

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