July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve tried to get into reading for a while now but can’t really get into it, I’ve only been reading non fiction as I am keen to learn more, but maybe this is too much to start with a need something a bit lighter. So I’m looking for a simple fiction book that can get me into reading that isn’t too wordy. I’m a big movie watcher so genres I quite enjoy would be psychological thrillers/mystery, historical fiction, dystopian.

    I appreciate your suggestions thank you

    by smitchellcp


    1. Wild_Preference_4624 on

      My go to rec for people who want to get into reading is Holes by Louis Sachar, because it appeals to all ages, has really short chapters, and is super engaging!

    2. What you really need to do is take the pressure off of yourself do you have a lifetime to experience these novels.

      People like to try to set a certain “quota” on how many books they read in a year **I often to myself laugh about this**, I think that if you are in a competition with yourself to read a certain amount then you’re not going to comprehend it the language and the nuance that is involved in literature.

      I take it just as it comes I love classic literature and I don’t set a quota, I prefer **quality over quantity**.

      Don’t pressure yourself to read a certain amount of books because everybody’s absorption of what is going on and the underlying principles of literature is different for each individual.
      **It’s not a marathon we are not in a race with each other** and I hate when people try to put a quota on themselves as far as reading is concerned.

      [Now that being said] think I will say that you need to use compartmentalization…. in other words when I’m reading something I may be reading two books at the same time I don’t read fiction versus fiction I might read a fiction versus scholarly text.

      Example at the time I am reading invisible monsters which is a fiction book and I’m also reading how to analyze people on site which is a scholarly book, I don’t try to mix one genre into The same genre.

      **That is my individual style** and I will say that everybody has their own way of reading material and how they can absorb and take in the material that is being presented but for me **I don’t like to mix genre versus the same genre** so if I am advising anyone that is getting into multiple books I would say to make sure that you mix your selection.

      My expertise if you could say is dystopian I love dystopian novels I love the classics and I don’t try to mix classic versus classic I try to mix my genres so that I do not get too confused because I am not a room temperature IQ but I am also not a Einstein IQ so I will definitely confuse myself over talk if I do not mix the genres.

      To wrap things up I would say don’t try to mix fiction versus fiction but rather when I read dystopian novels like Fahrenheit 451 I try to mix that in with Jane Eyre, I might go with the picture of Dorian Gray and a brave New World.

      **Don’t overwhelm yourself with one certain genre but explore the different classical literature** you can get more into modern literature although I am not at all familiar with modern literature

      I love classic and that is the thing that I stick to but even in Classics there are different genres so I would say **don’t confuse yourself with one Genre if you’re going to multitask then go with something that is your preferred genre but also mix it up** don’t be afraid to explore other avenues of Literature

    3. If you’re looking for a psychological thriller, Dark Matter by Blake Crouch is a good read. It’s a little wordy, nothing too crazy though.

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