September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I get such bad anxiety seeing all this scary stuff on the news with wars and politics and climate change and everything else in between. I read Factfulness, which I appreciated the message, but so much has happened since it was published. Both fiction and non-fiction are appreciated!

    by Dadbat69


    1. TXRattlesnake89 on

      Turn off the news, it will make your life a lot better. Negativity sells in the news.

    2. My current comfort book is The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches. It feels like a warm hug and is an easy read.

    3. brittanydiesattheend on

      For me, I like diving into long series I know I can escape into for a long time. Right now, that series is the Veronica Speedwell books. They’re mysteries set in Victorian England and feel like watching a BBC show. There are a ton of them. They’re predictable and a bit repetitive, but fun and fluffy, which is exactly what I want when my anxiety hits.

      If you’re looking for more of a hug in book form, I recommend:

      – Howl’s Moving Castle

      – The Princess Bride

      – Tress of the Emerald Sea

    4. Definitely I will suggest that you turn off the news and social media the more that you read books the more that you realize **propaganda is a big thing in today’s world** 🌎 .
      As the book **darkness at noon** presents, it tells about the story of “people who have no umbilical cord” they have no root they only go off of what propaganda tells them.

      **That being said I would love for people to read tale of 2 cities** it’s a classic and it gives hope that even the most degenerate of us can find peace and realize that there is a higher power.
      **“ keep your eyes on me“**.

      It is Christian themed, and it’s a great story with a lot of character development I would advise tale of 2 cities.

      **On a side note**: also look up the adaptation to the book which [when I was growing up I used to love your movies and one of the horror movies was **Fright night**] ,the vampire in the movie fright night plays the character of two of the main characters in the book of tale of 2 cities so if you have the opportunity to look up the adaptation I think that you will really enjoy it and for myself the book brought tears to my eyes

    5. obert-wan-kenobert on

      Don’t know if you want to read a 1000-page French tome from the 19th century, but *Les Miserables* is my go-to book to feel better about the world. All about finding hope in the most miserable circumstances imaginable.

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