November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Is this possible? I was thinking about how songs can make you feel so much in only a few minutes and that made me wonder if the same can happen with books. I think for books though, in order to feel sadness and loss you’d have to actually care about the characters and build a connection with them which takes time, so I’m not sure if what I’m asking for exists.

    by ViCiOU5CiRC3


    1. donewithdeserts on

      The early parts of N.K. Jemison’s *The Fifth Season* are devastatingly sad. You know so little about the characters or the storyline but it is still wrecking and tough subject matter. It’s heartbreaking in lots of other places too, but damn, that beginning is just rough. (Sci-Fi/Dystopia)

    2. “The Things We Can Not Say” has a prologue that hits pretty hard in a very bittersweet way. You can listen to the prologue portion in the audiobook sample at Audible.

      “The Warsaw Orphan” has an opening chapter that voices a very sad story that was a part of life for too many. (Or it might have been in the second chapter?)

      Both are written by Kelly Rimmer. The Warsaw Orphan has a protagonist character that was originally introduced in the other book. Both are beautifully narrated in audiobook form.

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