September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Novels mainly centred around characters, their growth as individuals, who *they* are as individuals, how they interact with the story’s world & others are probably my favourite type of novel. I say that not in a general sense (most stories usually follow one if not more characters..), but more so.. I could forgive a weak plot if a writer gave me some damn good characters. I’m currently reading the sequel to ‘Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia Of Faeries’ (one of my favourite reads from last year) and being back with these characters again feels like reuniting with old friends. I forgot about the wit, the humour, and really respect Hawcett’s ability to make me adore her characters as much as she does. Though the first book might’ve had a shaky plot at times (can’t quite say for the second as I’ve only just started it), the book’s charming cast of characters kept me well occupied. What books have characters that just feel so vivid, or so special, that you find yourself really loving the books for their characters alone?

    by According_Bat_8150


    1. I’m reading Lord of the Rings to my son. And I forgot how much I absolutely love these characters.


      The perks of being a wallflower, Charlie is just so loveable innocent and unapologetically sweet.

    3. Wittgenstienwasright on

      HHGTTG. I am Arthur Dent. But also Marvin. A little bit Trillian and a little bit Slartibartfast. Have you ever been to Norway?

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