September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for novels (lit fic preferred, but open to any genre) with first-person narrators who have a strong, distinctive narrative voice. Could be distinctive based on narrator’s age, geography, ethnicity, education, personality, or whatever.

    Examples of (IMHO) distinctive-voiced narrators:

    * Humbert Humbert from Lolita (cultured but disturbed)
    * Augie March from the Adventures of Augie March (blue-collar and philosophical)
    * Yunior from The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (vulgar with moments of depth)
    * Stevens from The Remains of the Day (formal and repressed)

    Examples of (IMHO) weak-voiced narrators:

    * Offred from The Handmaid’s Tale
    * The Narrator from Rebecca
    * Frances from Conversations with Friends
    * Death from The Book Thief

    These are all books I really liked, so I don’t think a distinct narrative voice (or lack of one) can make a book good or bad. Narrators that are more straightforward and less stylistic are sometimes better at serving the theme or character development. I’m just in the mood for one with a strong, distinctive voice. Thanks!

    by ProudTacoman

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