September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all.

    To cut to the chase.. I’m a terrible reader. I read slow. Even simple things like subtitles to a show are too fast for me sometimes. On top of this, I get distracted far too easily. When I do attempt to read a book, I often find my mind wandering and next thing I know I’ve completed the page, but absorbed none of it and have to re-read it, just for it to happen again.

    The thing is, I really would love to be a good reader. I love learning and it would mean so much to me if I could be a person who could pick up a book and read it for fun. But as of now, it just feels like a chore because of how hard of a time I have with it.

    I’m sure I’m not the only person like this and would love any tips on how to work through this issue. What about people in this group? Did any of you have similar issues that you were able to overcome?

    Sorry if this isn’t really on topic for the sub… I tried looking up a “reading” sub, but it turned out to be about a town in the UK lol

    by TooLateToPush


    1. BlacknWhiteMoose on

      It’s not a bad thing to read slowly. A lot of people read quickly or skim and don’t absorb everything.

    2. Well for starters, it doesn’t matter if you’re a slow reader, especially if you’re reading a book because the events of the story unravel in the same speed as your reading (unlike subtitles).

      Also, don’t worry, some passages are written so well that it is crucial to read them again and again and again to understand them.

      Lastly, the more you read the more you’ll be acquainted with some words like “and”, “the”, “said”, etc, so your brain will autofill them without you ACTUALLY reading them. Overall, you’ll get there eventually, don’t push yourself because reading is supposed to be for your own enjoyment!

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