July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have an 11 year old who is an advanced reader. He consumes a few books a week, and we have slowly broadened his reading list. He has read many books dealing with racism, sexual orientation and other important topics for someone his age to be learning about, with appropriate accompanying discussions.

    One thing I feel he hasn’t gotten much exposure to is poverty, especially in developing countries. We live in Canada and he is quite privileged in many ways.

    I remember reading Shantaram, I think maybe in my late teens, and it was a revelation. I loved it, and I feel that it helped my grow my worldview.

    Please give me your suggestions for middle grade or early YA books that will help to expand his worldview with regards to poverty.

    by squeegy80


    1. Dazzling-Ad4701 on

      not only poverty but the very beginning of apartheid: cry, the beloved country by Alan Paton. it’s very simple, but there is a *lot* for him to think about in it.

    2. LiterarilyFine on

      Not a gritty but a bit more heartfelt, and following the vein of having India as a setting, The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani might work. It’s broadly the diary of anne frank meets the partition of India.

    3. mzzannethrope on

      A few suggestions: Free Lunch by Rex Ogle, Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate; The Benefits of Being an Octopus; A Duet for Home

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