September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve never been a reader but I’d like to start. I don’t really know what genre I would like but I feel like non-fiction would be the best. As much as I love sci-fi and fantasy movies/games, I can’t picture things in my head and I’ve always had trouble staying engaged with those types of books.

    I have trouble finishing the books I do start so I feel shorter novels are ideal. I’m easily scared so nothing too spooky but I think I could handle thrillers. I’m open to anything really as long as it doesn’t require too much visual imagery. If it helps at all the most recent book I’ve read was The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt and I enjoyed it.

    by TheGreenHermit


    1. “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck is short and a classic. Also “Before The Coffee Gets Cold” by Toshikazu Kawaguchi is very fun.

    2. Almostasleeprightnow on

      I know you said no sci-fi but Murderbot! The first one is All Systems Red. It is an official novella, and the series deservedly won a bunch of awards.

    3. Grand-Berry7669 on

      Needle in a haystack, by casey jordan
      Short read , nonfiction, interesting. It’s about marriage and addiction, paranormal experiences, etc,.

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