September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I used to be one of those people that HAD to finish a book once I started. Now, fortunately, I have learned not to waste my time. The last book I borrowed from the library was Janet Evanovich’s The Recovery Agent. I was just looking for something fun and forgettable. The main character goes off with her ex to find treasure, but the ex is such a douche. Like, I cannot spend another minute reading about this guy, and yet I worried she might get back together with him after some type of redemption arc,idk. Anyway I still don’t know bc I hated everything about this guy, but she was getting on a boat with him which meant he was going to continually annoy her and me. I didn’t even make it through chapter one and felt disgusted and let down.

    by CrazyCaliCatLady


    1. bythepowerofboobs on

      No. I’ve read some books I thought were really bad over the past few years, but the only one I actually DNF was Dawn of Wonder, and I got about 50% through that before the tropes and unoriginality was just too much for me.

      I had several books I absolutely hated (1Q84, The Song Of Achilles, Redshirts, Gideon the Ninth, etc.) but I did finish them.

    2. I DNF’d *Marked* by PC and Kristen Cast at page 4, because the writing style felt like torture to read

    3. At this point I might have DNFed more books than I’ve finished. Sometimes I give books a paragraph at most. I’m super picky though, and/or I’ve developed a really good sense for what I do and don’t like.

    4. Yes. I was reading a book and the same two sentence description of a person occurred about five pages apart. I realized that if I kept going, I’d read it sooner than either the author or the editor.

    5. Emergency_Revenue678 on

      *Children of the Jedi* by Barbara Hambley.

      I just couldn’t read it. Like literally couldn’t. I read two pages, realized I didn’t comprehend a single sentence, reread those two pages and still understood nothing so I just closed the book and moved on. Don’t really know why. That’s the only time something like that has ever happened to me.

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