September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everybody! I’ve recently delved into the world of romance and was looking for suggestions. So far I’ve read The Twisted Series by Ana Huang, which I loved!, have started The Kings Of Sins Series (currently on Pride), and I’ve read the Mindfuck Series by S.T. Abby, which although was a bit darker I still enjoyed.

    My TBR includes The Four Horsemen of Death Series, The Fine Print series, Chestnut Springs, and a few other thrillers because I like those as well and am open to suggestions on that as well if you’d like to share any!

    While I’m here I’m gonna ask… Haunting Adeline. I’m curious but I’m scared lol. I read Mindfuck, which was darker and I’m not gonna go into detail to avoid spoilers but I felt like what happened there was deserved because of what was done to the FMC so… yeah. Plus I suppose Christian Harper is the most morally grey man I’ve read so far and he was a little scary but he wasn’t a stalker soooo lol. Yay or nay on Haunting Adeline in your honest opinion pls 🙏🏻

    by shellybean31

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