September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For me it’s a book that brings out an emotional response, crying. I cry when people do good things for other people or something good happens to people. Might sound weird but I’ve been this way all my life. John Steinbeck is my favorite author because at least once in every book tears well up in me. An example of this is the waitress in the Grapes of Wrath when she tells the father ” them are 2 for a penny candy”. I well up just typing the scene. And even the cook telling her ” give em the bread”

    Just finished The Little Liar by Mitch Albom. Very emotional for all the bad and good in the book. History I never knew , great character development and a wonderful story. I recommend it to everyone. Many may find it hard to read but I’m sure all would agree it’s a great book.

    PS, I’m a 75 year old man.

    by johneb22


    1. Writing style, consistency, a coherent story, an interesting story, not hitting the major writing pitfalls. It is a whole lot of things and it varies from book to book. But for a book to be great it has to do all of those things well for me.

    2. hdhdhgfyfhfhrb on

      Building up a solid protagonist and antagonist that you know through a slow build that both will get what is coming to them and then it is delivered very nicely!

    3. occasional_idea on

      I would also define it as bringing out an emotional response, but exactly what that is could vary. Some books are great because they have me kicking my feet and feeling giddy. Some are great because I’m sobbing. Etc.

    4. mintchocolate816 on

      Definitely the emotional component is a big one. I don’t mind a cheesy plot if you make me care about what’s happening.

      Particularly with sci fi, which I read a lot, it’s a *great* book if it also surprises me. If I could not have guessed in my wildest imagination what happens by the end, that becomes a book that I would recommend to others. An example of this is The Three Body Problem. Didn’t read the books but The 100 tv show is the same. These stories both friggin blew my mind and it was never boring.

    5. minimalist_coach on

      A story that I think about months later. I can overlook a lot of writing issues is the story is good.

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