September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My friend and I were talking about books when I stated something like: “I noticed that I don’t care about which tense or person its written, I tend do read the words and see the scene like I’m the character, or be at a screen of a movie and/or sometimes, even as I was the author writing those words. It all depends on the story. And you?”. She said: “To me, its like I’m a film director seeing/recording a movie, nothing more”.

    (it seems weird, but I *do* sometimes “mix” how I visualize reading words)

    So it got us both wondering how people “visualize” their story while reading. So my question is:

    Whats your inner reader like?

    Do you “shuffle/mix” like me? Or you see it like a movie? Or sometihing else? Idk, tell me(us).

    by Bada_LoneWolf

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