July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I’ve PCOS and sadly not a single doctor explained to me the reasons behind the hormonal changes, they just give me contraceptives… And honestly, they work, but I don’t wanna take them for the rest of my life. There must be some kind of “cure”, so I’m looking for holistic options.

    Do you know any book about it, with scientific info about the hormonal changes, the reasons + recipes or nutritional facts? It can also be about herbal remedies, supplements, etc

    by Aware-Engineering361

    1 Comment

    1. There’s a shocking lack of really thorough books about PCOS from my perspective (considering every other person I know has it) re:books, a very short and simple guide is Eating Intuitively for PCOS by the PCOS Collective. It’s simple and straightforward.

      A book I haven’t read or bought (honestly to tell on myself, simply because the cover is too cringy) but has gotten great reviews, I think, is Meals She Eats which is primarily a cookbook but has other insights also.

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