October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Unnecessary backstory:

    I have this cousin (59F) who is a white, upper middle class, and is the kind of person to hire someone to do everything cause she “can’t” get her hands dirty. A few weeks ago, she made a comment that I still can’t shake.

    I made a fun-weird trivia for my family to do at Christmas and when she and her son were over, we did a quick version of it for them. One of the question’s answer was “the Haudenosaunee [formerly Iroquois] Constitution.” Now technically it’s an oral constitution as Indigenous Americans didn’t really have written languages. That was relevant to the question but it still came up. My cousin then made a comment where she just said “they didn’t have a written language” but with a lot of attitude as if to say “they were too stupid to make a written language.” Then in the same tone added “and they didn’t even invent the wheel.” I usually don’t tolerate snarky comments and subtle racism but I held my tongue as to not get yelled at by my parents, despite me being an adult, as they sometime get annoyed with my SJW vibe. (For the record, I like to think ‘who needs a written language when you have everything memorized?’ And also they did invent the wheel, they just had little use for it as there was no livestock to pull carts, which was the main use of the wheel in AfroEurAsia.)

    [end of backstory]

    My question: what books could I recommend her (or just someone like her) that would help her understand not just her subtle racist to Native Americans but also her elitist / white feminist views?

    For the record, I know plenty of books that deal with racism towards Black people, but most of the books I could recommend about Native Americans largely deal with history. That’s not a bad thing but I sort of just want a book or two that just slaps elitist white women in the face and says “stop viewing people who are different as less that!!”

    TLDR: anti-racism Native American edition.


    by timexstarlight

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