September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve just finished this and wanted to share how wonderful I think it is.

    It’s based on Dickens’ David Copperfield, and that lurks in the background all the way through. You don’t need to know that, however, because the story and the anger about the drug epidemic in Appalachia carries you through.

    Demon brings himself up through the most appalling deprivation and violence. Turns out he’s a good footballer, until he’s injured, and that’s how the drugs get started. No need to reveal anything more about what happens to him. Suffice to say it turns out OK.

    It’s over 60 years since I was a teenage boy and I know nothing at all about Appalachia, but it seems to me that Kingsolver has got the voice exactly right. And creates a kind of bleak and wonderful poetry out of Demon’s voice.

    by StuNunn1564


    1. I actually bought my mom this book last week, and she’s been texting me throughout saying how absolutely brilliant it is. She actually sent me an excerpt (the bit about some woman buying Oxycontin from a Walmart) and the prose was just fabulous – but so, so tragic at the same time.

      So, now i’m waiting impatiently for her to finish so I can start it!

    2. Kingsolver does an amazing job with Demon’s voice. I have recommended this book to so many people. It’s fabulous.

    3. Probably the best I’ve read this year. Coming from an area that was hit hard by the opioid epidemic a lot of it hits home, and is authentic.

    4. Ineffable7980x on

      Great book. I especially like how she handles the opiod crisis.

      I think it’s fair to say it’s inspired by, not based on, David Copperfield.

    5. LucytheLeviathan on

      I’m about 60% of the way through, but am filled with dread and struggling to finish. It’s such a gripping book, but hits a little too close to home for me as a recovering opioid addict. I went in cold, knowing it was good but not what it was about.

      I guess it helps to know that things end well, but god is it hard watching him beginning to struggle with addiction. This book is heart-wrenching.

    6. JUYED-AWK-YACC on

      My wife has a copy, but I’m still reading *Blood Meridian* and might never read again.

    7. belgianquaffle1 on

      I listened to the audiobook version and the narrator (Charlie Thurston) is EXCELLENT! He did such a great job of bringing Demon to life and doing justice to Kingsolver’s beautiful writing.

    8. nobleheartedkate on

      100% agree. I love sweet Demon so much. It’s an amazing book and one of my new favorites

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