September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m normally not into self-help books and I’m weary of anything about “manifesting”, but I’m desperate. I’m in grad school and working a job, and the stress has been really getting to me. Lots of crying. If anyone has any nonfiction books that helped you with this kind of thing, please let me know!

    * anything specifically pertaining to academic stress + perfectionism would be great
    * I have OCD and am possibly autistic, so any books that touch on that would be preferable
    * nothing religious or based in “manifesting” or “magical thinking”, please. (I’m OPEN to using stuff like tarot or meditation as a therapy technique, since I know people for whom it’s really helped, but I’m not interested in anything theistic or resembling The Secret)
    * anything that also helps with organization and planning alongside stress would be great

    Thank you!!

    by thesusiephone

    1 Comment

    1. I feel for you! It’s not easy.

      Check out How to Keep House While Drowning. It goes beyond just cleaning and organizing.

      Unmasking Autism by Devon Price could also be a good read if you want to learn more about that.

      Mindfulness in Plain English has been helpful for me at moments. I also have an OCD workbook about mindfulness aptly named The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD.

      If you’re looking for a fiction book that might make you feel seen, try Everyone in This Room Will Someday be Dead.

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