September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been reading this book for the last year and a half for school. I finished reading it last year but had to keep coming back to revise quotes and themes for my exams and I’m so happy I’ve been able to do it. im gonna be done with this course of literature in a month or so when I take my final exam and graduate high school, yay? i don’t know how to feel about it but all I know is that I’m not ready to let go of this book. call it cliche but this book fuels me to do better in life. I gave my entrance test for law in Dec ’23 and it didn’t go well, questioned my capabilities and preparation and almost considered letting go of law. As I sit and go through this novel again, I cant help but tear up for the millionth time. I know exactly what i want to do, again. I wish all of us were a little like the characters in the book but maybe thats world’s way of separating the perfect and the pursuit of perfect. Anyways, while I revise for my exam tommorow, do keep me company and tell me which character has your heart and why 🙂

    by toobadidku

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