September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey all,

    I’m coming back to reading books after a \*long\* break, and thus I only have a few books on my list (in the order I read them) and they are a bit all over the place. I am thoroughly enjoying them so far and would like some suggestions for my next few reads 😀

    1. Fahrenheit 451
    2. Anna Karenina
    3. Les Misérables
    4. One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
    5. The Brothers Karamazov
    6. 1984
    7. The Dune series
    8. Do Android dream of Electric Sheep

    As you can probably tell from the last two titles, I’m on a bit of a Sci-Fi kick atm.

    by ImmaKitchenSink


    1. monopolyman900 on

      All classic scifi –

      2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C Clarke

      Foundation by Isaac Aasimov

      Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein

    2. **Amatka** by Karin Tidbeck. Similar to 1984.

      **The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe** by D. G. Compton. I’m currently reading this and it reminds me a bit of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

      I’m always on a quest for Dune-like books, and this is what I have so far:

      * **The Snow Queen** trilogy by Joan D. Vinge

      * **The Left Hand of Darkness** by Ursula K. Le Guin. A lot of similar themes to Dune, but saying more or less the opposite thing.

      * **Norstrilia** by Cordwainer Smith. I have not read this one yet.

      * **Courtship Rite** by Donald Kingsbury. Currently reading this one now, it has very rich worldbuilding and shows an incredibly brutal society.

      * **Empire of Silence** by Christopher Ruocchio. Similar to the Dune series, the farther I get into this series the less I like it, but the first book and The Lesser Devils novella are both great. I feel the focus of the series changes as it goes on.

      * **The Faded Sun Trilogy** by C. J. Cherryh. I have not read this, but [recently saw it]( compared to Dune in another thread.

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