September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was suggested this book/series at least a dozen times. I’m a hundred pages in and im just not sure if I want to continue. The beginning of the book I thought was really quite good. But now that Darrow is undergoing the carving/training to be a gold I have started to find it all about ridiculous. I was literally pulled out of the book when it describes how Golds on eat 20% of the fish because they don’t want to show that their taste buds have control over them even if they like a dish.

    This book is starting to seem a little over the top. I told my friends I don’t like YA and the ensures me this wasn’t… I’m starting to feel like this is YA + or something.

    Thoughts? Anyone kept reading and it gets better? Or is it just YA with a twist and I should stop reading now.

    by vintage_rack_boi


    1. TwoTwosThreeThrees on

      I felt the same like and wanted to drop the book there as well. Just keep reading. It gets better from that point in the first book until the end. Then the next two books are pure fire.

    2. The Red Rising series is in my top 3 favorite series of all time. I agree that the first book reads YA’ish at times but please, please trust me on this… It gets WAY better. I’ll say this, if you read the second book Golden Son and are still not hooked, the series is not for you. I read all 6 books in under a month and I’ve never been so devastated and happy at the same time. I felt every kind of emotion throughout this series and I would do almost anything to be able to read it again for the first time. I hope you continue!

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